ADWD 10th Anniversary Special

Credits BBC/ ADWD
Credits BBC/ ADWD

10th Anniversary of the Saturday night premiere of 'Any Dream Will Do' - the Andrew Lloyd Webber search for his next Joseph.
We all know the public chose the perfect Joseph, Lee Mead, and the rest, they say, is history!
We decided to celebrate the anniversary by sharing experiences and feelings of many of Lee's fans who loved him then and love him still
Read our invitation here:
And then, enjoy this walk down memory lane . . .
If you enjoyed "Ten Years On" by Johartuk (well, of course you did!), don't miss her Forum walk down memory lane:
VIDEO DIARY 1 07 June 07
VIDEO DIARY 2 08 June 07
Any Dream Will Do
Final Main Show
Any Dream Will Do
Final Results

Joseph Story
During the weekly shows of 'Any Dream Will Do' the Sunday school at our local church decided to teach the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours. The kids were captivated by the story and they responded well with the number of children attending increasing.
During the “previews” of Joseph they were lucky enough to be given tickets. Strangely enough there was no lack of adult volunteers to help out on this occasion!
The day arrived and the children were excited. They sat in their seats and they were enthralled by the show. However the show was stopped and a voice came over the speakers saying “the revolve has broken”. The kids didn’t understand what that meant so out of the wings came Joseph aka Lee Mead. He explained what was happening and that some clever chaps were busy fixing it so that they could get on with the show again.
Some children started calling out questions so Lee, very calmly sat on the edge of the stage and answered questions from the audience. Then there was an announcement that the show could continue, they all cheered and the show carried on.
A few weeks later at Sunday school the children were asked to draw a picture of Joseph wearing his 'coat of many colours'. One 6 year old girl was taking great care to get every detail just right. When the teacher looked at her drawing she asked the girl: “What makes you think that Joseph looks like that?” The girl replied: “I saw him and he spoke to me”. The teacher smiled when the girl then said he has black curly hair and is very handsome.
Well who could argue with that?
Also check out the fun thread about memories of the final on Meadaholics Facebook thread - you don't have to be a member to read, but join in if you would like to share.
Any Dream Will Do
Week Ten Main Show
Any Dream Will Do
Week Ten Results

Jane M
I, like most, have followed Lee since he won Joseph. He was my only choice on that show.
I saw Joseph in London twice. The second time I managed to get Lee's autograph which I treasure.
I have seen his two Christmas shows at the Garrick Theatre London, which were amazing, and he also came to Guernsey with 'Westend Men' which naturally I went to see.
Last weekend (May 28) I saw him at the Pheasantry again in another amazing show where I spoke to him and he gave his time to have a photo with me. I also spoke to his Dad, lovely man. I hope to see him next year possibly in London as he is unlikely to come to Guernsey.

These photos had to have been responsible for putting Lee over the top in the voting . . .
The man was born to wear a loin cloth!!! *ahem*
Any Dream Will Do
Week Nine Main Show
Any Dream Will Do
Week Nine Results

LMAS original post by Donna
All pictures credit BBC ADWD
26 May 2007:
Show seven started well
with the final five contestants
singing the Prologue from Joseph.

It was then up to Lee to sing first.
Lee had to portray himself as Joseph the dreamer something that as yet, Lee had apparently failed to do.
In the VT prior to his performance he spoke favourably
of his nan who had introduced him to musicals as a child and of whom he clearly had fond memories.
In order to be a dreamer,
Lee knew that he needed to think of her during tonight's performance of The Monkees classic 'Daydream Believer'.

After an energetic performance it was over to the judges to pass comment on Lee's performance.
First, Zoe, the vocal coach explained that she wanted to see the fun side of Lee.
She said "The reason he looks intense is he sets his jaw a 'bit Brucie' and this makes his face look harsh. We worked on that, loosening the jaw and opening the mouth." She went on to say "I feel safe vocally with you Lee. That was great!"

It was then on to John who said the
performance was like "a nice glass of lemonade on a cool refreshing summer's day.
That was brill, perfect, professional, polished. The West End is in need of Lee Mead"
Praise indeed!

It was then the turn of Andrew to comment. "Last week, Lee gave the performance of the series 'Paint it Black'. This week he had to be the dreamer. Lee displayed the perfect early Joseph qualities. He got my MOJO working, really, really terrific!" Well you can't say much more than that, methinks Sir Andrew is a fan!

The Joseph boys went on to perform a lively rendition of 'Do You Love Me?' from Dirty Dancing . . .

. . . before which we got a rather nice but brief snippet of the lovely Lee in just his pants!!!!
Worth watching for that alone!
The start of the second program of the evening saw the boys dressed in black jeans and tight black t-shirts to perform 'Born To Be Wild' as a group.
Lee, true to form, looked incredibly sexy and proved yet again that he has the 'perfect' loincloth physique!

As a surprise to the lads, Andrew had lined up a session in a recording studio during which time they were unknowingly being watched by Josh Groban who would be choosing one of the boys to duet with during the show.
Lee was lucky enough to be chosen and performed the song beautifully alongside the icon.
Sir Andrew thought he "held his own, very, very well."

Then it was the turn to hear the votes from the audience,
Lewis went through first, then Lee and finally Keith.
This left Ben and Craig in the sing off.

Craig was sent home by Andrew leaving the final four contestants!
Any Dream Will Do
Week Eight Main Show
Any Dream Will Do
Week Eight Results

How 'No voting' Went to Stress Voting!
by Ande
I'm not one for watching Saturday night tele, and I'm not one for voting either, never had done, and never intended to in 'Any Dream Will Do'. I'd even forgotten about it until the 'Bad Day' week, when I started rooting for the Curly One!
So, then all the stress began, I was actually out on a date on a Saturday night (I remember the food, but not the chap) and I'd said to a friend "Let me know how Lee does", as we'd formed a mutual bond the week before with her trying to guess which one I liked. She chose Keith (as he was Scottish), then went, "Oh, it's him!" (yes, Lee).
So I'm part way through the meal when I get a text. Now my mate is American and has a colourful way with words, so I'm going to tone down what she actually said:
"Goodness me, Fred (nickname). It's all going south, Lee has been slated and I don't know he'll make it through"
My answer (edited): " *** ****** ***** ****, send me the number to vote!"
She sent the number, and those old first generation Nokia's in their wisdom naturally blocked such numbers, which I found out when I did a quick dash to the loo, to try and vote.
So, meal got wrapped up quickly. Luckily Thai doesn't really do desserts, or coffee, or any niceties... I think he thought I was racing home with a dickie tummy... so be it!
I got ONE vote in before they closed the lines, then sat nose to screen, rocking madly waiting on the results....
Next week I was prepared, it was on early as it was Eurovision... but my DVD recorder took an instant dislike to Lee and didn't record the programme; luckily I was home with girlfriends and introduced them to Lee :)
The following week, I was at College in Brixton, I remember it being on later, so I was able to go out for a drink and then make my suspiciously early goodbyes from my mates to sidle on home in time. Only it all went to pot!
I had to pass through Wembley, and due to crowd control/fare dodgers on match day, I stood at my train door, ready to jump off, as it whistled past my station and on to Watford. My ticket wasn't valid for Watford, and so I went through the hassle with the transport police. Raced out for a taxi with only a fiver in my purse, which wouldn't get me home. He dropped me literally on the nose of the meter turning 5, not taking pity on me as I explained the urgency, so I had to run up a ****** hill to get home, to get in, to find DVD recorder had taken another dislike to Lee, and turned on just as he started performing 'Paint it Black'!
When I got my breath back, I voted and thought " ******, I've got to vote every week now."
How annoying ;) "
I remember telling my (then) Little One after seeing Lee sing 'Paint It Black', "Wow ! If he wins ,we are going to see 'Joseph'!" and I started looking to see how much the tickets were. After months of waiting, (and after he actually won!) I was finally going to see Lee!
I took my Little One (14yrs) so I had someone to go with, as my OH doesn’t much like, London being west country folk, so it was just Little One and me, on a girlie weekend in London. I was so excited as we walked to the theatre. Little One said I was worse than a teenager. Must say I felt like one. We were one of the first to arrive so had to wait a little. When the shop opened I bought a program and the brochure. Then we went up to the Dress Circle seats in row C 4 & 5 - not particularly good as they were on the far left-hand side but we didn't miss much.
The show started and the theatre erupted when Lee appeared. A big smile came over his face. Lee was gorgeous and his voice was just beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes - even in the dress circle he looked so close. I had never seen ‘Joseph’ before and was surprised at how funny the show and Lee were, even LittleOne was laughing out loud. Didn’t he get chased and pawed by the female cast a lot? He must have been quite out of breath, but he did seem to have a twinkle in his eye. I must say the camel and everything else went without a hitch, including the loincloth. The cast were so energetic and the children were sweet. All the cast were fantastic and well worth going to see especially LEE Live!
At the end he had yet a standing ovation - it was over way too fast. Even with a teenager with attitude in tow, the show was brilliant, though that day she came out of the theatre smiling, happy, and singing.
As our seats were in the Dress Circle, 3rd row back and first two on the left, we could make a fast exit out behind the boxes. This let us out in the alley at the side of the theatre, so we were some of the first to arrive at the stage doors. We took up position to the left of the middle door. I placed Little One just in front of me so she could see, had camera ready, and she had a camera phone. Ten minutes later, there he was looking gorgeous in a white linen shirt smiling right in front of Little One and me. Curls still damp, bright eyed, and smiling. He was just so adorable. He gave little one a photo and asked her where she came from. She told him Bath he said that’s a long way and patted her on the head. Then he handed out some more photos and leaned right over both our heads, (*swoon*) He went along the line and came back signing autographs. I held out my program and he signed it for me and smiled just before he went back in. Little One came away happy, phoned the boyfriend and said “I’ve just been patted on the head by Lee Mead.” (Hope boyfriend wasn’t too jealous.)
So close yet so far away . . .
Here are a few of the photos Sunny-Mead and her daughter took that day - click on each one to view in a pop-up.

Any Dream Will Do
Week Seven Main Show
Any Dream Will Do
Week Seven Results

Danielle L
Meeting Lee at the Millennium Centre in Cardiff for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was an amazing experience. He is so lovely and a gentleman. He was so happy to stop and have a photo and quick chat. His version of 'Hushabye Mountain' had me crying start to finish.
Annie S
Having enjoyed 'How To Solve a Problem Like Maria' so much I was very interested in watching 'Any Dream Will Do'. I thought it would just be something to enjoy on a Saturday night but I was so wrong. Yes, the first few programmes were just enjoyable but then I saw and heard Lee singing "I Don't Want to Talk About It" and thought "That man has to win!"
I realised after the programme had finished that everybody I supported in a contest like this one usually went home the next week, so it looked as if my worst fears were confirmed the next Saturday when Zoe Tyler was so harsh to him - but Andrew Lloyd Webber and Denise Van Outen weren't much better. Only John Barrowman acknowledged how hard Lee was working despite his illness. I was somewhat nervous to watch the next week's programme, but I needn't have worried. There was another scary moment in the semi-final when Lee missed a cue very slightly, but he was able to cover it so quickly that he received nothing but praise for it.
Eventually the final arrived, and, mean as this sounds I was so relieved when the public sent Lewis home. I was sure that Andrew Lloyd Webber was pushing Lewis to be the winner but the public intervened and all was well. During the break before the results I was too tense to settle so I actually went and cleaned the bathroom. Me doing housework on a Saturday night is a rare occurrence! Back to the TV, and that final result. Like many others watching that night, I was speed-waddling round the room shouting "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Lee had won. I could book a ticket for the show after all. (I made sure I checked Lee's holidays first!)
And ten years later I'm still as much in love with Lee as ever! Okay, there was a brief flirtation with Castiel from Supernatural for a while, but he was soon eclipsed and Lee was back at the top of my affections. Here's to the next ten years!
Any Dream Will Do
Week Six Main Show
Any Dream Will Do
Week Six Results Show
Lee, Joseph And Me by Fiona aka AngelRose
I first intended to watch Any Dream Will Do as a John Barrowman and Lord Lloyd Webber fan which I knew would be fun but I also knew that I would probably pick a boy or two to root for. Without saying too much, I knew one of the others VERY vaguely in real life and we weren’t too sure about each other to put it mildly, so my choice was already down to eleven. (Though I am mildly ashamed that I did vote for that the other lad once out of loyalty to the group to which we both once belonged.) *Blushes*
Anyway, back to Lee. I do remember him catching my eye in the Joseph School episodes but I was watching those MAINLY for my own interest in stagecraft. I mostly remember two things about Lee from those episodes; firstly when John tapped the boys on the shoulders if they were staying. At first when they were all singing I was just listening, but as the voices dwindled I began to hear individuals. The two that caught my ear were Lee and Daniel so as it turned out my ‘radar’ wasn’t too far off beam!
Also, ‘Anthem’ - I knew he was in with a chance of keeping his voice for eight shows a week, I could hear the training in it. The Tim Rice slip up warmed my heart and I realised this was a guy I could like as a person.
The first live show was my WOW moment. The spin at the top of the stairs made my heart jump and I knew Lee was my guy. From then on in I tuned on Saturday nights to watch (and of course vote for) Lee. Incidentally, those Saturday nights were the first time I’d really used forums or notice boards. Little could I have known what that would start!
I liked all of Lee’s performances, but like everyone I have favourite moments. First the aforementioned spin in ‘Mack The Knife’, my horror at the ‘All right Now’ comments and Zoe being roundly told off (I saw John Barrowman at a book-signing that week & the word in the queue filtered down that John was still raging about it), and ‘Daydream Believer’, my PHOWAR! moment .
One of the other lads (sorry, I forget whom) said the boys themselves ‘knew’ at ‘Paint It Black’. The cheer from the audience and Graham Norton’s reaction gave us just a TASTE of what must have been an ELECTRIC atmosphere! The solo high note in ‘Under Pressure’ had me thinking “Well, if the Great British public has half a grain of common sense he’s got this!” The only remaining question for me was DID the Great British public have half a grain of common sense?!
Please understand, I genuinely do NOT mean this as anything against Keith, but I honestly do think I saw him resign himself to the upcoming result during ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’. That did nothing to help my tortured nerves as Graham dragged out the result for what seemed like a millennium however! Then, when Graham FINALLY announced “LEE!”, I felt “YES!” instantly followed by “Phew!” Lee had survived the preconceptions of some of the judging panel, (thank you Bill for admitting you should have spotted Lee long ago), the rigours of Joseph School and the live shows, mud-slinging aimed at the BBC, eleven other lads and their teams of supporters and the notorious ‘Curse of the Coat’ to prove to the UK that the Great British public DOES have half a grain of common sense and that he WAS ‘The People’s Joseph!’
Like all of us I’m sure, I knew that the final was actually just the start of Lee’s ‘Joseph’ road, a road that was a great success. What I hoped was that the road would have other bends, and thankfully it did, but did I HONESTLY think the road would last for a decade and counting? No. Did I think that my own road would cross Lee’s so often, give me so much pleasure, so many new friends (including one of my very best friends) and so many great experiences? I can honestly say no, but boy I’m glad it did!
Any Dream Will Do
Week Five Main Show
Any Dream Will Do
Week Five Results Show

Lin in Los Angeles
Do you know that, for the better part of a year, I thought I was the only Lee Mead fan in the U.S. Fortunately that did not turn out to be the case and I have “met” so many other U.S. fans, some in person, some online but they feel like true friends because we all love Lee Mead.
Hubs and I used to watch ADWD every week. Of course, I did not realize I was watching it a year or so after it actually happened!!! (Thank you, BBC America :=/ ) We both immediately realized Lee was far superior to all the other boys – in fact, he was a man among boys in every way. *ahem* Between ‘Bad Day’ week 4 and ‘I Don’t Want to Talk About It’ week 5, it was so obvious as to be almost a foregone conclusion.
Of course, it was still up to the British public – and I deliberately did not go online to see if he won so that the suspense would mount. (Unusual for me – I have been known to skip to the last chapter of a book because I can’t handle the suspense.)
For the finale, I was with my family on vacation (wine tasting in Northern California, if you
want to know - ;). I made them watch with me and, while Graham Norton was draaaaaaaaaaaaaaawing out the announcement, I was literally biting my fingernails. Then
when he finally said, “LEE”, I jumped up and ran around the room, jumping and shouting,
“Lee won!!!! Lee won!!!!” (I’d say my family thought I was crazy, but this they already knew.)
Finally, I began to search the Internet for news of Lee. I saw that he had been a huge hit in ‘Joseph’ and was about to star in an Oscar Wilde play. Finally, I saw that he was to be in ‘Wicked’, at which time I also found those other U.S. fans, as well as those from many parts
of the world (OK, mostly UK) posting on this website. Soooooo, in 2010, I made arrangements
to meet two U.S. fans in London to share a flat for 10 days so we could see Lee in ‘Wicked’ and in a concert at Wimbledon. I remember, as my husband took me to the airport, saying to him “This feels a bit crazy.” He agreed and he has supported me in my craziness ever since.
I will never forget rounding the corner to the box office of the Apollo Victoria at 6am
(day seats!) and seeing Joan for the first time – and we have become friends for life.
I met so many others that same morning, even more later in the day and throughout the week, and consider them all dear friends. My life would still have been great, but it is definitely richer because of the friends made through Lee Mead. I will always be grateful to him for that.
Just a side note: A few years (and a few trips to the U.K.) later, Joan, another friend, and I had a chance encounter with Lee in the snow in Southampton (heehee). He told us that he was very proud of having a core group of extremely supportive fans but what made him most proud was the friendships those fans had formed among themselves. That just confirmed to me what an exceptional man is Lee Mead.
Excuse the shakiness of the vid - I was a bit Meadmushed.
New Wimbledon Theatre, Nov 2010.
Any Dream Will Do
Week Four Main Show
Any Dream Will Do
Week Four Results Show
From the moment I saw the BBC trailer I was as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve. Just mention 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat' and I’m instantly 14 again, sat on the back row of the Grand Theatre with my best school-friend, between the plaster gods, looking down on a world of magical colour and music.
The thought of a West End revival sent me giddy even though the chances of me seeing it were remote. At least I could watch the show and day dream. The first episodes of 'Any Dream Will Do' didn’t disappoint.
None of your hopeless-hopefuls being paraded in front of acerbic judges for the derision of the viewing audience. Every young man given camera time had something about him - be it his voice, looks, or a more indefinable charm. There were so many great contenders, but in the London call backs I spotted the one I knew would be my perfect Joseph. An angelic face, a winning smile – and when he sang!!! No wonder the judges thought him fabulous. I grinned at the TV. This was the ONE. My Joseph – Lewis Bradley.
The guy with the curly hair who came on next was good too.
I tuned into the first live show, eager to see Lewis. As the opening group number started, I realised that I wasn’t looking at him at all. My eyes followed the curly-haired guy. I’d hardly noticed him in the initial episodes, but in this first proper performance he sparkled.
Then came his solo – 'Mack the Knife'. Wow!
That man could hold a stage: the swagger,
the teasing glances to camera, the confident voice.
I never suspected it given the diffident,
rather nervous manner in his back stage interviews.
I swapped allegiances. Lee became my favourite.
I hadn’t fallen in lurve at that point though. That happened a week later with when Andrew Lloyd Webber start
the weekly “this-song-must-be-acted” challenge. I watched, slightly dissatisfied, as each Joseph
(other than Daniel) struggled to put the right levels of emotion into their songs.
Some gurned their way through their performances; some didn’t bother to act at all.
(The less said about poor Johndeep’s 'Something’s Coming' the better.)
Then finally Lee, and – 'Bad Day'?! Good grief how can any act 'Bad Day'? I prepared to be disappointed.
Lee sat at the bottom of the stair case.
He seemed oblivious of the audience.
“Where is the moment when we needed the most?” he sang.
No gurning, no drama, just an ordinary bloke trying to figure out what had gone wrong.
On came his ‘Josephine’. The song became a plea:
“Please tell me what the matter is? What have I done?”,
then an attempt to win her round.
From confusion,
to frustration,
from annoyance to resignation,
Lee’s story of a lover’s attempts to save his relationship completely captivated me.
Till at the end, the relief as the dancer turned towards him –
and that kiss. Oh my!!
THAT’s how it’s supposed to be done!!
No other Joseph would do.
Every week I tuned in, unable to vote (we were always out on Saturday nights) desperately willing the British public not be put off by Lee’s professional MT background. Week after week, he lined up with the others,
week after week he went through without entering the sing off. Only Keith Jack enjoyed the same level of public support.
The final came: Lewis, Keith and Lee. Lewis had been in the sing-off two or three times. Unsurprisingly he didn’t make it to the very end, leaving in third place with a teary 'Close Every Door'.
As for the other two…
I wriggled as watched, unable to keep myself still. 'Paint it Black' – stunning. Then 'Jesus Christ Superstar'.
Keith started. “Every time I look at you I don’t understand…” Keith gave us Judas as a bewildered innocent.
On to the second verse, and Lee on the attack, a dangerous, sneering, oh yes, and sexy Judas, blood red
tee-shirt stretched tight on his muscular shoulders.
Hubby walked through the room as Keith and Lee dueted. For once a glimmer of interest, as he paused just long enough to hear a line from each.
“The one in red.” He announced as he stalked away to fetch coffee.
I grinned. The One in Red. Yeah he’s the ONE alright.
And ten years on – he still is.

An encore because this is just so...... !!!

I was hooked on ADWD (and Lee) from his first performance! I was certain he would win, especially after his performance of 'Paint It Black'.
Even though I discovered Lee only three years ago, I feel like a part of the last ten years thanks to Meadaholics, The Timeline, and the wonderful stories I heard when I visited the UK last October for the last three concerts of the Some Enchanted Evening Tour. I now own all of his albums and have watched and read everything online-so many times!
All the videos and reviews online make it possible
for anyone in the world to have the Mead experience. However, Lee’s voice and performance is so special in person, I urge everyone to see him live-and try to meet him at the stage door! He signed my ticket! He is just as charming, kind, and friendly as his terrific fans, who welcomed me to the Mead family!

Any Dream Will Do Week Two

The memory I have will always be when the lady from BT rang to ask to speak to the bill payer so hubby took the phone. She then asked if we had any children as the phone was being used excessively on a certain number. Hubby replied the only big kid here is my wife and she is voting for Lee Mead on the Joseph programme. Her reply back was "Well I hope he wins after all these phone calls."
And of course he did. Then it was down to London and dragging members of the family to the show quite a few times.
Luv Mazzax
mmmmm . . . we won't ask how many times . . . ;)
Click on the Photo below to download the full 2nd Episode of ADWD
As we know, Lee Mead has done work for several charities - currently most often in support of Equal People Performing Arts/Mushroom Theatre Company as their Patron.
This gorgeous photo was taken by Chantale St. John Rosse during 'Joseph' when her husband painted a special portrait of Lee to raffle for a charity that he was supporting at that time.
Read all about it here:
And read more about Lee's current charity here:

I had enjoyed the search for Maria series, so I settled down to watch ADWD.
At first I didn’t know who to support and vote for, so I decided to keep an open mind until the live shows, though I do recall being wowed by Lee’s 'Anthem' in front of ALW and Tim Rice.
So on to the live shows. It seemed to me at that point that Lewis would win, simply because of the blonde hair (Jason Donovan look). Not being a lover of curly hair at the time (how that has changed!!), and never having liked 'Mack the Knife' it wasn’t until the 2nd live show, and 'Bad Day' that I was truly bowled over by Lee, and voted every week for him after that.
Ten years on, and he is still my number one favourite singer of all time. Through Lee, I have made 2 good friends with whom I have shared much fun and many adventures – we could write a book. Not forgetting lots of other lovely ladies who I have met along the way, and hopefully, will continue to do so for many years.
BBC Any Dream Will Do Week One
On 31 March 2007, I sat down to watch the first episode of Any Dream Will Do. Having watched How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria the previous year, I was wondering if this new search for a West End lead would be as good. I needn’t have worried.
Watching the first audition ep, I found my attention drawn to a certain young man. Well-spoken with dark curly hair and dressed in a black shirt and jeans, he looked more like Mr Darcy than Joseph. Though his endearing nervousness and “Oh dear!” when he realised that Tim Rice was sitting in on his audition added a bit of Norman Wisdom into the mix. When he started to sing…blimey, he was good!
His call-back audition followed much the same pattern – a slightly nervous young man with the looks of a regency gentleman and a strong, musical theatre voice. He wasn’t the ‘poppy’ Joseph that ALW was looking for, but that made him all the more intriguing.
From this moment on, I was hooked, following his progress each week and feeling my stomach tying itself in knots as I watched Graham Norton revealing the results. I’ve watched enough TV talent shows over the years to realise that the Great British Public can be downright unpredictable, so I was never complacent about the results.
I sat down to watch the final on a hot, sticky evening. The living-room window was wide open to try and let in some air, but with little effect. I remember thinking that if I was hot, all the poor people in the ADWD studio must be sweltering, especially the Josephs in their coloured coats! When Lee was announced as the winner, I was elated, and actually shouted “YES! YES! YES!” before remembering the open window!
It’s hard to believe that 10 years have gone by since then. It’s been fascinating following Lee’s career and seeing him going from strength to strength. That shy young man has really blossomed and it’s been lovely to see him achieve his dreams.
He fit the role of Joseph perfectly, fleshing out the character and making some moments (CED, revealing himself to the brothers, reuniting with Jacob) truly moving. When he sang CED, it sounded epic – like it should have been in a musical like Les Miserables!
It’s been lovely watching his career unfold, with theatre roles, albums, live performances and TV work.
It was interesting to see Martin Kemp in the recent Let It Shine series, saying that he hoped that 10 years from now, some of the contestants from this series would still be performing. I found myself thinking “Well, Lee’s career is still going strong 10 years after ADWD!” and smiling to myself.

I was at uni when ADWD was on and no one was interested, obviously. [But I've] always been into musical theatre and Joseph was the first show I saw when I was about 11yrs old, so the combination got me intrigued.
(Hmmmm. . . sounds like Leanne has a lot in common with Lee . . . )

I didn't even know it was on
- I prided myself on never watching Saturday evening tele. If I hadn't been ill, the last 10 yrs would have been very different.

I had watched the final of the Maria show with my future Mother & Father-in-Law.
Then a year later, they asked If I was going to watch ADWD, my answer was NO, so I did not see the first two episodes.
On Saturday, 14/04/2007, I happened to be at their house when the first live show came on.
The moment I saw and heard "Mack The Knife", Well, I was then hooked (Line & Sinker'd ) :)

"I remember that ad on BBC before ADWD started.
[Hubs] saw it and, because we had watched the last couple of the Maria programs, he got excited and said 'Hey they are doing another show to find Joseph.' I replied, 'That is the last show on earth that I want to see, so we won't be watching that.' How many times did I eat those words? it has been a fabulous 10 years made even more special because of you girls xxx"
Amanda From Holland:
I thought I would write about my ADWD viewing for you - it still brings a smile to my face.
We were moving house, in the same little village, in Holland, only 1 km down the road and gradually moved, over a period of 3 months.
Every Saturday, I watched ADWD, alone in our old house, in a gradually depleting lounge.
I have to admit, in the first episode, where Lee sang 'Mac the Knife', my immediate thought was, wow, he is a stunner but how cocky is wrong I was! So far from how Lee really is, shy and humble!
Each week, I became more and more obsessed with the man. Such a talent, such a voice, those dark curls and such a gorgeous face.
I was painting the lounge of the new house on the day of the final so had to make an excuse to my hubby that I needed to go back to the old house to pack some more belongings. I watched the final all on my own in an empty lounge, no curtains, bare floor boards and only a TV and a stool to sit on.
When Lee won, I was jumping around the lounge, screaming and shouting, only to see my neighbour, who had stopped right outside with her dog and was motioning to me, asking if I was OK. I answered the door and gave her a big hug and said I am ecstatic and had to explain it all in Dutch. She laughed but I am quite sure she thought....mad English woman!!!