Several years ago when the current Team began monitoring this website, we asked Lee what charity he would like us to raise funds for.
He immediately requested that we concentrate on this one, closest to his heart, Equal People Performing Arts.
As you can see by the Just Giving page, we have all done well! In fact, so well that our Charity Team Member, Joan, keeps raising the goal amount!
Please give at any time as you are able and watch here for future fundraising events.
And, thank you!
2019 December - Raffle
As Lee’s “My Story” tour
is almost at end,
(we still have a rescheduled performance at Loughborough in 2020),
Total Productions have given us one of the Roll-up Stand-alone Posters that Lee used on his 2019 tour, signed by Lee, to raffle in order to raise money for EPPA / MTC.
The next stage for EPPA is ambitious but with the bucket collections after each show, (thanks to the lovely “Auntie Sue”), the announcement that Sir Ian McKellen has chosen EPPA as one of the 10 beneficiaries of his London show, and some generous individual donations and grant funding, they are now preparing to develop Studio 3 to the
rear of the main building.
This is something they have been planning for over a year, but hopefully we can help put funding over the top and make it happen!
Please check out the Charity page for more information from EPPA/MTC. Enjoy the video and click on the
"2019 Poster Raffle" link to enter the drawing.