A very warm welcome
If you have got this far then you are truly a “Meadaholic” !
So relax & enjoy sharing your thoughts & experiences with likeminded people.
The forum is public so you can browse & enjoy our forum, but if you'd like to join in as a member
(and we hope you will) you need to:-
We have some very simple requirements:
1. That you are 16 years or over
2. That you are respectful of other people on the forum
3. That you enjoy & indulge yourself in the glorious Mead
4. That you have lots of fun & make new friends
5. That credit is given to any photos, screencaps or programs
We hope that you will join in with the Lee love
and keep a happy community spirit alive!
Best Wishes,
The Team at LMAS xo
Finding your way around
When you receive an email back approving you, then you can Click on the log in under the banner

On the new screen Log in by entering your email and password

Use the red arrow to bring down the drop box click My account
you can check your details there.
You only need to have your email address the rest is optional.
This will stay private to you.
You can also set your own Public profile, on the left of the page

Press the edit button on the left side to edit posting name and clock the grey circle to alter the picture .

On your profile page you can add as much or
as little information as you wish.